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Thoughts & Inspiration

The following is a journal entry I wrote on June 25th,
2008.  That day I visited the women’s
ward in the hospital for the first time. 
The room was filled with sickness ranging from stroke to AIDS.  After I journaled each visit, I concluded the
following.  I apologize for any poor
English.  It really isn’t my forte.  I decided to type it word for word, as I did
that Wednesday evening.


“Overall, I don’t feel overall sadness or depression or
anything.  I feel somewhat normal.  At first I didn’t think this was a legit
emotion, but I thought about it more.


The people I visited today are people.  They aren’t defined by their diseases.  I honestly didn’t want to talk about why they
were there in that hospital.  It just
didn’t matter.  All that accomplishes is
bringing up more sadness and despair.  I
wanted to hear about their lives… their families… their backgrounds.  They are just people.  I felt like I just went out and met some more
friendly Swazis.  They don’t deserve to
be treated like their disease.  If I were
talking from a heart that said, ‘I am healthy. 
You are very sick.  I will feel
bad about how sick you are’ then I’m not treating them as equals… not treating
them with respect.  So, my feelings… so legitimate.  I want to love on these people, no matter
what their situation is… in the same way I would with any of my friends… any of
my teammates.  Jesus loved everyone is
the same was regardless.  Shouldn’t we
strive for that?  I say Yes.  Run toward it.”   

2008 Swaziland June Team Blog Page

This blog for 2008 Swaziland June Team Blog Page is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.