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Thoughts & Inspiration


   Hello all! I have yet to post a blog, but I am so excited that you are reading it. J Ha! God has been so good to us here in Swaziland. He is teaching me a million new things and I am seeing Jesus in so many faces as we walk through town and continue in our ministries. I wasn’t sure what to write about for this thing, but last night I had quite an awesome experience. We did a worship session with our team outside, and the wind was blowing like craaazy. It reminded us all about how much power God has and how small we are all here on earth. We were praying and singing and the Spirit really seemed to move within me. I felt such a sense of peace and comfort as I took some time to step away and listen to God. I felt like He was really calling me by name and asking me to surrender so many things up to Him- including my future. He told me I no longer have to be a people pleaser, but He is the only one worthy of my time. It was brought with such reassurance as I prayed and waited for Him to speak to me. I felt so strongly like the Lord was physically standing in front of me, mirroring my moves and asking me to get out of my comfort zone and follow Him. I loved it SO much! It was something I really needed at this halfway point in our trip, as an encouragement to continue to do the Lord’s work with all of my heart and know that He is right there with me. My excitement is still overwhelming me the day after- in a great way. Please continue to pray for our team to grow close with one another and close to the Father. We are so appreciative of your support! Thank you so much! We love and miss you, friends back home!

2008 Swaziland June Team Blog Page

This blog for 2008 Swaziland June Team Blog Page is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.