
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

     Through my Christian Service this year I realized how unique each kid is. They all have their own personalities and differences. They all have different abilities and strengths. However, they are similar in one way. Each child has a longing to be cared for, to be cuddled, to be rescued-to be loved. Age does not matter. For Christian service this year I helped in the nursery of with 4 and 5 year olds, but, out of personal joy and pleasure and also served in the 2 and 3 year old room. I realized that love is not limited to age. Each one of these kids is beautiful in their own unique way. It is the love of Christ in my heart that makes me unique to non-believers. It was truly a blessing to share that love with these beautiful children!
     I am disappointed in our society today. We live in a world that is defined by our schedule and money instead of defined by our quality time and love. I cannot remember any time in my childhood that my parents were not devoted to helping me succeed. I have always had both of their support both encouraging and motivating me. For me, the relationship started at a young age. Sadly, many children do not have that chance anymore. Parent’s schedules are over-packed. Over time, their priorities get out of order and their children suffer by not having a relationship, a role model, and example of how to live. Instead, they turn to their friends who teach them how to behave. Now, do not get me wrong, kids will be kids no matter if they have parents present in their lives, but there is more of a chance for success in a child who is taught at a young age that they can do it. If you teach a child that they have the ability to be whatever they choose, while motivating and encouraging them when they fall, they will succeed. It may not a worldly idea of success. Instead, it may be spiritual or even emotional.  
     Part of the job of “point person” included taking charge of the room, becoming the leader of that room, making sure everything was done in reasonable time, and leading or appointing the curriculum to others. Because I am a team player, I did not lead the whole curriculum. I asked others to share their skills and techniques to teach the children about the love they have in their hearts for Christ. What a blessing it was to serve with a group of adults that were so dedicated to ministering to the children.

      My job was not hard in any way; in fact, I have been the “point person” for years because I have such a passion for children. God has clearly shown me that I am to work with kids for His glory. Unfortunately, I do not know in what capacity yet, but that will come in His timing. Till then, I will just relax and soak in the wonderful opportunity He has given me to minister to the children in my neighborhood.