
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My name is Kelsey Matthews. I’ve grown up in Michigan- in a Detroit suburb.
I went to a Christian school for part of my elementary education and
switched between a few different public schools and found myself back at
that Christian school for high school. I have an amazing group of Christian
from home who have helped shape my faith and always given
me encouragement. I played a few different sports in high school- running
track for
3 years, cross country for a season, and cheerleading for 2 years.
I had a lot of fun, for sure!

I have an incredible family, with
mother, father and half brother. We have always been a very close family-
going on family vacations every year to Florida to see
family, and to
Colorado to ski. They are always extremely supportive of my decisions and are
very excited to see how this Swaziland trip goes!


  1. I guess, MAYBE, I can put aside the Ohio State / M*ch*gan rivalry for two months. We’ll see. Glad to have you on the trip!

  2. Kelsey is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Her heart for God is so precious and she will be a great addition to this trip.

    Loves, SpringHill 03 baby.

  3. kelsey and I have been best friends since first grade .Her love and compassion for those around her is a continual encouragment to me.I love you Kelso!

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