
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Jessica Demary

First, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I try to love and serve Him in every area of my life (even though many times I fall short of His glory). I absolutely love poems, quotes, and stars!!!!! I love being able the speak my mind (with consideration of others), love to give opinions (when necessary), love to start the day with prayer, and love showing through my actions the love I have for others. I am a strong believer in making a difference in children’s lives. I love to speak into their lives and touch their hearts. I love to play with them and take care of their needs, while still maintaining a distance so they can learn by themselves. I love sharing my faith. I am also a firm believer in serving others through mission. Relating to them and their needs (whatever it may be). I am leader. I serve as Secretary on Student Government Association and I am a member of the Mission Club at Mid-America Christian University. My two major dreams in life are to going on a mission trip to Africa and to get married!