Belief. What is belief?
According to the dictionary, belief is confidence in the truth or existence of
something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. What is the thing that
I find confidence in or the existence of, which is not immediately susceptible
to rigorous proof? While, the “church” answer is Jesus Christ; and yes I do believe
with all that is in me in Jesus Christ; however, what does it look to ‘believe’
in Him?
Matthew 22: 37-39, Jesus says the greatest command is to love the Lord your God with all that is in you (paraphrase) and
that the second is like it to love
others. Love is the key to showing your
belief in Jesus Christ. Jesus said if you love
me, you will keep my commands (John 14:15).
The Pharisees thought that showing
their belief was to keep of list of rules and sacrifices; however, Jesus says
to love him first and through that love you will keep his commands. God says in
Hosea 6:6 that “For I (God) delight
in loyalty rather than sacrifice,
and in the knowledge of God
rather than burnt offerings.” He is not looking for us to say all the right
things, do all the right things, and wear our “Christian t-shirt” to top things
off, he is looking for loyalty and love and through that you will be compelled
to says the right things, and do the right things. (It’s up to you if you like
the Christian t-shirt.)
Jesus told one of my favorite
stories in Luke 10 about the outcast who saw someone brutally attacked and
although he had been demeaned by this man’s specific “group”, he still knew
that regardless, this man needed help. Despite what the “Christians” had done
to him in the past, it was the “Christians” who had left their own to die, so
he was compelled to help. Jesus ends that story will a charge “Go and do the
same”. The outcast knew something we, as Christians, have forgotten, and that
is to love and take care of others no matter what. Forget what the background
of the person may be, forgot what their outward appearance shows, and forget
what that person has done to you; we are called to set the example and show
love to others.
It is that power, that desire
to show love to others, that we can show our belief in Jesus Christ. It is to
first love God that we are so compelled to obey him, and through our obedience
we in turn love others. It’s a domino effect and Jesus knew it. I believe in
the power of love. I believe in the truth of Jesus Christ. I believe those two
fit beautifully together!