
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My whole life I have known that God has called me into missions in Africa.  Every decision in my life has been based around this.  Decisions like what school I go to, the best major to help me in that ministry, the right trips to go on, every decision was based around what I believe God had called me to.  My mind was so future oriented, and focused on what I was going to one day do for God.

At my school we have a conference that is called the World Christian Action Conference.  Our speaker this year was talking about how God can use anyone He wants anywhere at anytime.  He told continuous stories of how person after person allowed God to use them where they were.  My favorite story was of this older lady who had a limp and was very limited in getting around.  She started writing a young man in prison and he accepted Christ.  After a years time she was sending out daily Bible studies to young men around the nation who had accepted Christ through her mail ministry, and she never left her house.

After hearing this story chills ran over my body.  God spoke to me right in that minute; in the midst of the continuing sermon and the people going on around me God spoke.  Stephanie, serve me now.  Win for me now.  Involve yourself in missions now.  I was hit hard.  It was not about later, not fully.  It was about now.  It is about now.  God was asking me, what are you doing for me now, who are you showing me to?  And I realized, now, right now, God has given me the opportunity to be him to someone who needs Jesus.  And why would I not take that opportunity.  God has plans for my life in the future, but He also has plans for my life now, right now.