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You’ve no doubt heard the

expression “Wake up and smell the

coffee!” If you
could wake up every

morning to the distinct smell of any

one thing, what would
you choose?

12 responses to “TGYT – Wake Up & Smell The Blank…”

  1. I’m a big fan of the laundry detergent Gain Joyful Expressions… it’s delicious and fruity, it makes me want to eat my clean clothes.

    Other than that, I of course enjoy the smell of rain, or camp fire.

  2. I would DEFINITELY have to go with laundry! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of clean clothes, especially if you happened to get a whiff of them while they were dirty….

  3. this is a reference to the show the Office, so you might not know what i’m talking about…but i love to wake up to the sound and smell of crackling bacon on my george foreman grill. i just hope i don’t burn my foot on it!

  4. I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon. Sue me. And since I don’t have a butler I have to do it myself… so, most nights before I go to bed I will lay out 6 strips of bacon out on my foreman grill.

  5. I would DEFINITELY have to jump on the breakfast bandwagon. I LOVE breakfast…it is my favorite meal of the day, and if I could wake up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes or my mom’s homemade cinnamon rolls…oh that would be glorious! =]

  6. YUM!! I love breakfast!!!…. Have to agree it is also my most favorite meal of the day!!! Brown sugar oatmeal or cinnamon rolls can always get me out of bed!

  7. First off, I’m cracking up that Daniel quoted the office on here!!! 🙂 You can never go wrong there!!! 🙂

    Second, I think it would be breakfast or laundry for me, I can’t decide!!! Of course, in the morning around my house those 2 smells first thing in the morning happen once every couple years!!! HA HA!!

  8. The ocean would be my first choice to wake up and smell. Second choice would be coffee (it reminds me of my dad).

  9. Tara, that is an amazing answer! I would have to say either the ocean or the smell of freshly mowed grass…i love love love that smell!