
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

order to get to know your team a little bit better I thought it would
be fun for all of you to post comments about yourself. Tell us
something that is unique about yourself or anything else that you may
want others to know. Have fun with this one!

6 responses to “Team Post “About Me””

  1. A secret dream of mineone that very few people know ofwas to be a dancer. If you knew me at all you’d be extremely surprised because I am not much of a dancer type…I love sports and would rather get dirty playing football than put on a ballarina suit…lol. But I always thought it was be so cool to be a dancerhip hop, tap, jazz, or even to know how to ballroom or swing, but the only moves I really have are the “sprinkler” and “law mower” moves…kinda of like Albert’s moves in the movie Hitch. 🙂

  2. One of my dreams is the have the man that I love (and of course he loves me) name a star after me (National Star Registry). I love the stars! I love staring at them!! Honestly, i dont know much about them, and perhaps that is why i love to watch them so much! Before the man of my dreams pops the questions he will have named a star after me! (hehe)

  3. First of all, Mary-Kate, we can dance together because deffinitely the only dance move i know is the robot ha.

    I think all of you should probably know that I am real big on cuddling and hugs (well not with you boys because I have a boyfriend and because that’s just odd) but fellow sisters, if any of you enjoy cuddling that is great. Other random facts: I crave ice cream more when it’s snowing than when it’s hot outside, I love being barefoot, this past summer I worked at a Bible camp where I basically got to cook two meals a day over a fire and slept in a tepee (it was wonderful), Someday I would really like to ride a camel,I wish that every town could just leave doors unlocked like small towns do so that you can just show up at peoples houses and fellowship, and um if I ever went on the show MADE on mtv, I would be made into a break dancer. If thats not random enough I don’t know what is…. haha enjoy.

  4. YAY we have dancers and cuddle-bugs! Those are two of my very favorite things!! I can tell this is going to be great! A few quirky/important things to know about me: I hate shoes & socks, they are so constricting; I love being outside; I am afraid of the dark still; I spill something at every meal; I am clumsy and trip over nothing a LOT; I wake up really early no matter what time I go to bed; I love to read and sing; I LOVE sports; I don’t like baked cookies, just like the dough; I’m not a big meat eater; I laugh at everything; I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET ALL OF YOU!!!!

  5. Here’s part of my list of favorite things:
    1. hugging
    2. spooning
    3. big coffee mugs
    4. chapstick (Berts Bee’s…like there is any other choice)
    5. sweatpants
    oh and amen on the dislike for shoes and socks and only eating cookie dough. why waste the time and energy to put them in the oven.
    I love seafood, I dont eat meat…even though I think that will have to change this summer, I love to disciple and can’t get enough of The Office. Someone please back me up on that. “Thats what she said!”

  6. Um let’s see something about me…My favorite color is yellow but I don’t wear it…I actually wear the opposite of bright..I am more into browns and greens…but I love sports too Mary-Kate…my favorite is probably soccer but I love to play football with the guys at my church!!! Pretty much I love being outside except I’m not much of a fan of the cold…that’s when I enjoy sitting inside and drinking hot chocolate. 🙂