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After being in college
for a year I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, and that whole
“declare a major thing” at the end of sophomore year wasn’t looking like it was
going to happen for me.  After reading
n McManus’ Soul Cravings I realized that the core of who I am comes
from God.  Every craving, relationship,
dream, and question comes from God.

realizing that every part of who I am is God breathed I was able to find true
and lasting peace.  Before reading
Erwin’s’ book I was constantly questioning what it is that I’m doing. “Why am I
even in school right now?” “What is it that I hope to be doing one day?” All
typical 20 something questions I presume, but questions that were left unanswered
and left me feeling like I was wrestling with God and who he was in my life.

typical questions didn’t disappear after finishing the book but they did seem
to take on new answers.  They weren’t
necessarily all answered with a definite “Ok Rachel, here’s what your going to
be doing with your life” answer, but they were all consumed now with the peace
of mind knowing that God has a plan for every aspect of my life.  By illuminating God’s love for me in his book,
Erwin was able to help me better recognize the prominence of who God is in my
life.  It’s not only the big things that
God cares about but also the every day seemingly small things, like a
conversation with a friend over coffee or a random encounter with a stranger.

love for me is beyond what I could possibly comprehend, yet through reading
this book I felt like I was able to somewhat become more aware of his
involvement in my life.  To realize the
overflowing love that Christ has for me I am now able to find peace in whatever
plan God has for my life.  Most of the
time I’m still clueless as to what that may be, but I am now in a

place where I recognize that He is in control,
and that peace that was granted to me after reading Soul Cravings has
been the greatest turning point in how I view my life.