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Sometimes I just wish I could see the world and all people living in it from Jesus’ eyes and not my own. That is something that I long for so badly; to see people with eyes of love. But not surprisingly this is very difficult to do on my own. There is no possible way that I could love someone who seems unlovable in my own strength; I need Christ to do a powerful work in me and help me to see this world from His eyes and not my own. A while back I wrote some sort of poem about this, and its funny because just now Im realizing that this is something that i still struggle with. I want to see people for who they are and for what’s inside; and love them for that. The poem is called Red-Stained Glasses.

Stuff that consumes. Words that fume. They fill up this space-so limited and raw. They’re all just words, in a moment of time, that give definition to who we are inside. But don’t be so quick. Just sit back and listen. To the secrets of a person, being unleashed without notice. Because the appleseed’s there; Please take one more bite. It’s a selfish waste, the way our bodies move with such haste; passed the street-passerbyers, and the missing-kid flyers. But we’re all just peoples, thinking life’s our own feat. No one ever stops to consider, the person to their right, with pain just the same, and a heart just as strong. So, it’s the frail words that lead me inside, a place far removed, from this world so captured by creative legends. Oh, where can I buy a pair of red-stained glasses? Those which let me see passed the dirt and through the fog. Because beneath the wealth, and the drama; beneath the guilt and the gossip; beneath the fear and rebellion; lie so many different people. Weak, yet so deep; empty, yet searching. Oh, where can I buy a pair of red-stained glasses?

I mean really. What if God just gave us each a pair of glasses that were covered in his blood…so that when we put them on we saw people the way that He sees them-through eyes of love?! That would be fantastic. But that’s what we learn to do here on this earth; to love and see people the way that Christ does.

4 responses to “Red-Stained Glasses”

  1. Kate your poem is cool. I love your post. It is definitely something I struggle with too. You’re right though that with God’s help we can do it.

  2. LOVE the poem, Kate! what an awesome wish…I yearn for that too…to see people the way Jesus does and not my own stained glasses.

  3. WOW! GREAT poem!!!! This is continually something I must remind myself of!! God loves each one of us the same! We are all his children and he wants the best for each of us! I truly believe love is the cure all. If we could all just begin to love the way God loves us!! What an amazing day that would be!

  4. Love it Kate. I don’t think I’ve ever read one of your poems before, but that was really good. I miss ya like crazy.