
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A few years ago I started to become more
involved in youth ministry in my church. That summer I went to the camp they
went to every year, it was my first time. That was an amazing week for me, God
was really working on me to give my plans up for His. During our camp week, my
youth pastor asked me if I would be a counselor for the middle school week. I
was thrilled and terrified. The thought of having to teach, speak, and pray in
front of people was one of my worst fears. That next week God constantly brought
me out of my comfort zone, it was amazing! I learned so much from the people I
worked with. From that point on I became very involved in the student ministry.
I was hired as a Student Intern for the student ministry. After that year of
amazing opportunities and memories, I went to work in the Missions Department
of my church. The adventures that I had because of that job were amazing, but
that’s another story


2 responses to “My plans for His”

  1. Tara it’s really cool to see how God works. I love what he’s doing in your life and the ability he has to know exactly where we are and what we need. I pray that he continues to draw you out of your comfort zone(s) from now until the end of the trip and from the end of the trip until you die. Thanks for your post and for sharing your heart.

  2. That is so awesome that you allowed God to move you out of your comfort zone. I find it so easy for me to just stay where I am comfortable instead of letting God use me the way He wants to. Good for you for getting involved in student ministry! I can’t wait to meet you. =]