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second grade, I was supposed to tell my class what I wanted to be when I grew
up. I remember many of my friends saying that they wanted to be teachers, but I
thought that was such a dull profession and would never want to be a teacher. ‘I
want to be the first female, NFL football player,’ I proudly stated to my
classmates, ‘and play for the Green Bay Packers!’ I loved football ever since I
can remember and I wanted to be a wide receiver like Robert Brooks. Though I
still enjoy football and love cheering on my Packers, my dreams have now
actually reversed. I am studying at the
La Crosse

to become a teacher–something I thought I would never be. But I have a huge
heart for children and I truly want to make a difference in their lives. I am
studying to become a middle school/high school English teacher, and on top of
that I have a dream to be a speaker at youth conferences in the summers, I want
to be a basketball coach, and I would love to publish a novel or some sort of
literature someday. I love the outdoors, music (playing drums and guitar),
sports, and just being with people.  Jesus is my true Prince and He never ceases to
amaze me!!  My passion is to bring His
message of true love and true beauty to every and any young woman that I
can.  I have wanted to go to
and work with orphans and children for several years, and I am so excited to
have this opportunity this summer!  I
can’t wait to see the Lord move in ways I’ve never seen before—in Swaziland, in
my team members, and in my own heart.

6 responses to “Mary-Kate Martin”

  1. Hey Mary-Kate. Welcome to the team. God is funny in the way he has you doing something that you didn’t want to do before. And are excited for it. I have somewhat of the same story. I was always going to be the person who did college had a family and a good job. But now I am the person who quit college and is doing missions. Anyways I am excited to meet you in June. I am excited to see what the Lord has for you this summer.

  2. Hi there! Mary is my grandmother’s name…and so I guess its just there for formality 🙂 Guess my parents thought it would be a fun joke to use my middle name instead of my first and therefore confuse every teacher i’ve ever had. haha. Whats your middle name story?

  3. You remind me of a close friend just by the way you write…that can only be a GREAT THING!! Can’t wait to meet you in person!

  4. Kate, I love you and may the Lord bless you and keep you very safe and healthy while you’re away. I’m so proud of you and all of your dreams…everything you strive for and live for is something to be looked up to! You’re wonderful! 🙂 I am so happy to have a friend in faith like you… you teach me so much and although this walk is hard sometimes, it’s absolutely AMAZING and I’m so happy to be sharing it with a true believer and follower like you! I LOVE YOU!

    I wish you strength and peace, and as always, you’re in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. Kate, I think you have come a long way in just about everything. I remember seeing you in the halls at school, you never once just walked right by without saying hi. In bible study you made me feel welcome. I think it’s absolutely wonderful that you are going to Africa, and are able to use your abilities in everything and your passions with children over there. I know you will do extraordinary things while you are away. Good luck, I love you, and you will never leave my thoughts and prayers!!!!!

  6. wow I wish i could even understand football. Thats funny how you ended up going to school for the thing you didnt want to be at first. You have many aspirations and that awesome! We are going to get along great