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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey Everyone!! My name is Lauren Thomas, I am nineteen years old. I am from Mableton, Georgia. It is about 15 miles from Atlanta. I was born in North Carolina, but I have lived in Georgia since I was two. I have one sister who is twenty one and recently just got married. She is my best friend and closest mentor. We can share any and everything with each other. Currently I am in school working towards a degree in early childhood education. I have always had a heart for children and would love to see God move through me to help as many hurting children as possible. Missions is where I know God is leading me right now and currently I am willing to put all other things on hold in order to really seek out this passion God has put into my heart. I know I am called to help the hurting and I so desperately want to have God move through me in that way. Some other things about me are I love to run. You always hear that no one likes to run, but I truly enjoy running. I never had this desire in school though so I was never involved in track which I wish I would have been now. I also make a big effort to eat as healthy as possible, which sometimes can be a daily struggle, due to my love of ice cream. Lately God has really being showing me how to put all my strength in him, which I know I will have to continue to do in the months ahead. One scripture that is close to my heart right now is: “Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for and hope for and expect the Lord!” Psalm 31:25 Daily I have to rely on God for strength especially in times of waiting to hear his voice. I know in the months to come he will continue to reveal to me his awesome powers and how easy life can be if we continue to trust in his greatness.

3 responses to “Lauren Thomas”

  1. HI! Welcome to the team! I am excited to hear more about your life and how you ended up with AIM for the summer. I know that the Lord is going to use you in big ways.

  2. Hey girl! I cant wait to meet you! I love that you have a heart for missions and children! I am so thankful that you are willing to put everything aside to answer God’s calling for your life!

    Looking forward to meeting you!…

  3. Lauren,
    I can tell you are such a selfless person! What a great asset to bring to our team! can’t wait to meet you!