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This was Posted by September
Real Lifer Chrissy Ipema.

The Treeline is a place
where young girls meet up with grown men to go off and have sex with them just
to earn a small amount of money. The amount of money varies on the age of the
girl: the older girls earning slightly more than the younger ones. They usually
earn between 2.50 and 4 rand, which is equal to about 30-60 cents. When we
first learned of this, two sweet young girls named Valepe and Demu gave us most
of that information. They are part of the Treeline. I’ve been developing a
relationship with Valepe this whole time and haven’t asked about the Treeline
since that first time because I wanted to build her trust. This past Monday, I
saw Valepe and Demu and I finally brought it up again and asked Valepe if she
and the other girls were still going. T
o my surprise, she said no! I was so
shocked! I asked her why and she said that she wasn’t really sure; it just
stopped happening. She said the men don
‘t show up anymore, so the girls don’t
show up anymore either. She shared with me how happy she was because going to the
Treeline made her “feel bad inside.” She told me quietly that it felt so much
better and that she and Demu were glad to be done with it.

We have been praying fervently for this and know that you guys at home have
united in prayer with us on this subject as well. Continual prayers for these
girls are necessary as these girls are looking for alternate methods of earning
money for their families. Thank you so much and praise God! Our prayers have
been heard and answered and there’s no other explanation except God for the
Treeline just fading away! It’s such a huge praise and we are so excited to
share it with you all! God is alive and moving here! See you all so soon!

4 responses to “From the Field- Treeline”

  1. What an awesome opportunity! Add me to your prayer list! I will cover you and the people there!

    I am so thankful you were willing to answer God’s calling for you!

    Isn’t God amazing!

  2. Brought tears to my eyes. I can feel the Fathers heart and you are a result of it. Blessings.