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My relationship with Christ was revolutionized after reading McManus’ The Barbarian Way. The Barbarian Way is “… a call to revolution against ‘civilized’ Christianity.” The book confirmed my thoughts that what is best for me and my relationship with Christ is often not very safe, nor agreeable with society. The life of a follower of Christ is not a safe one, nor a commonly traveled path. A life of following Christ is a rebellious life, a life full of risks and radical decisions.

The decision to follow Christ is by far the largest risk I have ever taken. Everything the world has taught me, I have had to push aside, replacing these teachings with the teachings of Christ. The Beatitudes reflect the contrast between Christ’s teachings and the world’s teachings, Christ continually follows the pattern of, “it has been said … but I tell you …” I continually strive to not conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. As a follower of Christ, I often reject the basic assumptions of civilization; I reject what “has been said”: whether it be the importance of material possessions, the goals of success and happiness, or simply “looking out for number one”.

So, where is the risk in this decision? In 1 Corinthians, Paul says that “if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith … we are to be pitied more than all men.” If what we believe is wrong, if Christ is not the son of God, we should be pitied! If while we could be out indulging in all the self-serving pleasures of this world, we have spent our life serving a nonexistent savior, what a waste of a life! We’ll have missed out!

I believe that this risk is worth taking. I believe this risk is worth everything I have; it is worth all of my life. As tempting as it is to not risk everything, to just put most of my life into this crazy idea of serving God, yet still keep some of my life to myself, just in case it turns out I was wrong, this isn’t what God asks from me. God wants all of my life, not most of it, no matter how dangerous the idea of giving up all of my life to God is. I believe in taking this risk and not looking back; I believe in going all in.

6 responses to “Christ the Barbarian”

  1. Dude, I feel everything that you are saying here. I too have been changed by reading this book. I cannot wait to take this barbarian way into Swaziland with you.

  2. I’m right there with you! This life we have been called to live is radical! I am so encouraged by your enthusiasm to serve our God with ALL YOU HAVE!! I can’t wait to live this life with you in Africa!

  3. That sounds like an amazing book! One I’ll totally have to read before the trip! Irresistible Revolution had similar effects on me!!

    Very cool post Ryan!!! I look forward to serving with you this summer in Swazi and starting a revolution!!

  4. Very Interesting. I was looking for a summer read and I think you have convinced me. It was either this or Fight Club. Thanks Ryan! Good Luck in Africa (: