
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m completely captivated by the God and Creator of the universe!! He is the lover of my soul!! Right now I am going to school full time and working full time. I have a huge family and I love it!! We are a foster family and with biological, adopted, and foster I am 1 of 7 children. (Yes, I’m biological) My family is one of the biggest blessings in my life!! My friends are my sanity and my strength. They are my prayer partners and confidants. They are the angels that demonstrate Christ in my life!! I work with 2-3 year olds at my church and find it one of the most fulfilling ministries I am apart of right now!! Some other random facts about me; my favorite number is 92, I find myself funny even when others don’t, and I find joy in the most simple things!