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20% of your trip cost is due in ONE week.

This amount is: $818

you are having trouble coming up with that amount please give me (Becca
Arnold) a call here at the office. 1-800-881-2461 ext. 246.

3 responses to “20% due.”

  1. If that has already been raised in our support does AIM just take it out of there or am I supposed to send in another check?

  2. I am just amazed at how God has provided for this trip!! I was so stressed at the beginning that I would not raise enough money. Through prayer, God has taken the stress away and given me so much faith and trust in Him!

    Like always, He has proved His greatness! Within the week that i surrendered my stress, my boss called and said they wanted to donate $500 plus pay for the airfare! Isn’t that amazing!!!

    My experience (and we havent even left yet) is already impacting me in so many ways!


  3. I recently found out that my Dad’s company has a program where any donation that an employee makes to a non-profit organization, the company will match that donation, meaning any money my parents donate to my trip is doubled! You guys should definitely see if any of your friends or parents employers have similar programs.