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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hebrews 11:8-10 “It was by faith that Abraham obeyed
when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give
him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. And even
when he reached the land God promised him, he lived by faith – for he was like
a foreigner living in tents. And so did Isaac and Jacob, who inherited the same
promise. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal
foundations, a city designed and built by God.”

Abraham initially LEFT his home
land, the familiar, and WENT to a place, the unknown. God did not give Abraham
very many directions but just to GO. Now, How did he know which way to go? What
should he take with him? What was it going to be like when he got there? Would
he like it? What did Sarai say to him? Was she an obedient wife and just went
willingly? What was Sarai’s initial reaction? Did she trust God? Did she
complain for miles and miles? If so what did Abraham do? There are many questions
that the Bible just does not talk about. Are some of these the questions you
have about GOING and LEAVING everything?

Abraham had “The
Obey-Now-and-Receive-Later” Challenge of Faith Genesis 12:1 tells us that the
only direction that God gave to Abraham was to leave his country and people and
go to a land that He would show Him. That in-between required Abraham to depend
on God like he never had before.

You are in the in-between right
now. You have agreed to GO but you cannot LEAVE until you have your support
raised. This blog page is to help you with that in-between and help you raise
support so that all of you can LEAVE.

The first and most important step
to Support Raising is PRAYER. I firmly believe this. The great giants who have
gone before us have committed hours to prayer. My first challenge to you is:
Spend some time each week praying specifically about and for your support raising. God will work
through these prayer times.

The second most important step is
to set up a prayer team. You need to have
4 to 5 people
who know you well that will commit to pray for you each day of your support
raising. This group should meet at least once a month to pray for you. Once a
week would be ideal but I know not practical. Aim for weekly when you ask God
to put people on your heart to be a part of this team. You need to be able to
share your heart with them. Tell them your fears, your joys, your excitement
etc. Be real with them.

In one week you should have 4 to 5
people committed to praying everyday for you. You should also know how much
time you are personally going to spend in praying and fasting about your

PRAYER is the most vital key to
support raising. It is the foundation.

Luke 12:31 “Seek the Kingdom
God above all else, and he will give you everything you